Essay Writing For Impact
Essay writing or writing samples are an integral part of the college admissions process. The power of an essay can also be leveraged in other forms or functions. Some internships or full time employment opportunities will require a writing sample based on the role.
Essay writing is an art and the most effective examples require you to speak from the heart. For college applications they may ask you to write a specific type of essay in a variety of formats. As an example the application might ask you to write a 350 word essay on subjects including;
How you addressed a major challenge in your life.
How do you envision your life in 3-5 years.
Your perception of change in the world and how you would address these challenges.
Your academic passions and where these passions originated. Life experiences, readings or overall observations.
Essays need to come from the heart. This is a window into your mind and can tip the scales in your favor in the application process both in school and or beyond in your choice of career. Never make an essay generic and always make it personal. This is all about you and how you think.
In working with college recruiters here is some of their feedback on impactful essays.
Major family challenges faced at home and how you helped to resolve these issues.
Issues regarding descrimination that you observed and how you helped address these uncomfortable issues.
What organizations or causes do you follow. How are you involved or aligned with your passions, personal feelings and convictions?
What drives interest in many cases is how you solve problems. How did you investigate or identify a problem and what steps did you take to address these challenges? Schools or hiring managers want to know that you will be part of the solution. You will be a contributing member of their organizations and you have the basic skills to self address the curves that school and the workforce will throw at you.
Let us help you work through this critical piece of your application process. Simply bring the description of what is being requested and we will systematically break down the key points, craft a response that will be hard hitting and relevant within the requirements that are provided. Click here to register for a complimentary 30 minute consultation or our coaching packages.