Managing the Interview Process

Most interviews follow basically the same format. There are the introductions, the interviewer interviewing, the candidate interviewing the interviewer and the next steps for the interview process. 

Most interviews will run roughly 30 minutes so it is important to stay on point, be prepared with your relevant background and examples along with 2-3 strong open ended questions and a conclusion. 

By networking and investigating the role and interviewer you will be best prepared to understand the challenges that have created this opportunity. Remember without a problem or challenge to solve for the interviewer and the company there would be no available job. 

Your introduction can consist of the interviewer asking questions including, “ tell me about yourself”. Be careful not to go through your entire history but simply highlight what you have done or studied that would be most relevant to addressing the challenge at hand. This section should be brief and right to the point of your skills, passions and ability to perform on the job. 

Next, the interviewer will most likely review your resume and ask about your previous experience. It is not advised to read your resume or review the entire document. Only touch on the key points that will give the interviewer the comfort of knowing that you have what it takes to perform. 

In the 3rd stage of the interview the interviewer will most likely ask you if you have any questions regarding the role, team, challenges and goals. Here open ended questions that get the interviewer speaking will generate clues for you to follow while understanding what is most important for the interviewer. You can use this information in the final step which is the conclusion. 

Finally, it is time to recap how you can solve the problems or challenges outlined in the interview. Do not forget the importance of showing flexibility and your ability to work well in a collaborative team environment. 

It is also your time to ask for the role or next steps in the interview process. Express your interest and enthusiasm and let the interviewer know you are a quick study that can be easily trained.


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